Musings and Experiments on the Art and Science of 3D Printing



Updating RepRapFirmware using Mac OS X as a host

By SublimeLayers Thursday, December 31, 2015
A number of folks have struggled to use a Mac to update Duet and PanelDue firmware. Earlier this month I wrestled it to the ground and documented a working process on the forums. Here it is again for readers of this blog.

  1. install Arduino IDE 1.6.1 in /Applications
  2. open a terminal window and 'cd' into the folder where you have the firmware .bin file
  3. do an 'ls' in /dev to find see the ports before the Duet is connected. 
  4. connect Duet to USB and push the erase and reset buttons, then do an 'ls' in /dev again. You want the one that starts with "tty."
  5. run bossac as:
/Applications/ --port=tty.YOUR_PORT_# -U true -e -w -v -b RepRapFirmware-1.09o-dc42.bin -R

Note that you should replace the two strings in bold to match your port # and the firmware version you are updating. 

Tested on OSX 10.10.5 and 10.11 (Yosemite)

UPDATE: here is a simple shell script that makes this much simpler. You need to change the port information and the RepRapFirmware version information. Place this script, the bossac application and the firmware .bin file in the same folder and then execute from a terminal window:

Here is a copy of Bossac for Mac OS X known to work.

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